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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n24)
by Alan Hague
posted: Nov. 30, 2007

Recent Zoning and Development

2007-DV1-041 6196 Rosslyn Avenue (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: Michelle Brackett Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for the construction of a 144-square foot front porch addition with a four-foot front setback from the proposed (existing) right-of-way of Rosslyn Avenue (minimum 25-foot front setback required).
2007-DV3-028 5902 and 5916 North College Avenue (Approximate Addresses), (Amended) Petitioner/Agent: College Avenue Building LLC, by Mary E. Solada Request(s): VARIA NCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Sign Regulations and the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to: a) legally establish an 11- by 70-foot semi-permanent partially enclosed, 56-seat, outdoor seating area structure encroaching into the right-of-way of College Avenue including an above-grade firepit encroaching an additional 2.5 feet into the right-of-way (minimum ten-foot front setback required; variance petition 2004-VAR-810 permitted a 14- by 70-foot open, 54-seat, outdoor seating area), b) legally establish a 70-foot wide awning/canopy sign, with a horizontal projection of 11 feet from the building façade and with a finished height of 8.67 feet above grade (maximum four-foot horizontal awning projection permitted; maximum ten-foot canopy width permitted; minimum height of nine feet above grade required for awnings and canopies), c) provide for the location of a 4.5-foot tall, 9.75 square foot A-Frame sign (portable signs not permitted), within the right-of-way of North College Avenue (not permitted), and d) provide for the outdoor display of two, five -foot tall mannequins (outdoor display not permitted), within the right-of-way of North College Avenue (not permitted).

2007-DV2-028 6019 Guilford Avenue (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: Spencer Fields Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for a 522-square foot attached garage addition with a 0.5 -foot south side setback (minimum four-foot side setback required), resulting in a 4.8-foot aggregate side yard setback (minimum ten-foot aggregate side yard setback required), and a fourteen-foot rear setback (minimum twenty-foot rear setback required).

2007-DV3-060 34 West 73rd Street (Approximate Address), Petitioner/Agent: MAC 1, LLC, by Stephen D. Mears Request(s): VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Dwelling Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for the creation of three lots, with two lots having an area of 23,113 square feet and the other lot having an area of 23,819 square feet (minimum 24,000 square feet of lot area required for each lot).

NOTE: descriptions in parenthesis such as, "not permitted" and "minimum ... required", are describing the current zoning for the property. The variance is being sought to deviate from those limitations.

Alcoholic Beverage Permits:
none at this time
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