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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v04n16)
Letters to the Editor - More property tax payers looking for solutions - Sandi Hauanio
posted: Aug. 10, 2007

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

Letter to the editor
I recently picked up your latest issue of the Gazette. I enjoyed reading all of the information on the property tax issue. Please continue to keep us posted.
I am writing in response to the letter sent in by Jamie Pinter. In her letter, she stated that she and her boyfriend were paying $200 a month in property taxes and that their taxes went up to $400 a month. I instantly sympathized with Jamie and her boyfriend, as I was also paying $200 a month and will now be paying $400 a month.
The difference between Jamie and her boyfriend and I is that Jamie and her boyfriend combined make $130,000 a year and I (that is, single-I) make under $39,000 a year. My point is that property taxes are not a fair way to assess what each person's contribution to society should be. Why is ownership of property the way of deciding what each person contributes?
All two-income households are in reality paying half of what single people pay. We all need to fight for a fairer way for everyone to contribute to society equally, not just be concerned about whether or not the Governor is going to reassess commercial properties and wait to see if that will even lower our taxes. We all need to write our State Senators and State Representatives and tell them we want to repeal property taxes permanently. If we don't, we'll all be here again.
Sandi Hauanio ( Broad Ripple)
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