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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v03n09)
Life's Ripples from Broad Ripple United Methodist Church by Rev. Timothy Rasmussen
posted: May 05, 2006

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I have been following the latest news stories on topics like The Da Vinci Code, the theory that Jesus didn't walk on water because there was some freak ice storm which enabled him to walk on a big block of ice; and the newly proclaimed gospel of Judas.
We in America live in a society where everyone is allowed to express their thoughts, and I am grateful that God placed me in this country where we have such freedoms. I just have to wonder why my belief in Christ bugs people to the point that they spend a lot of time and energy trying to publicly negate it. Those that reject Christianity are entitled to do so; that is certainly their right. However, we Christians have a right of choice as well; if tolerance is going to work in this country, it has to work for everyone.
Granted, Christianity has some very bad history. However, if all the good that Christians do were made as public as the bad, we would easily see that far more good has been done over the years, and that millions of lives have benefitted from Christians putting Christ's words into action.
My wife was working at a mission site recently. While she was there, a man who was a self-proclaimed atheist came in to get some help. He stated that he had a really hard time coming through the door because of the religious affiliation of the center. My wife helped him with resources, food, and referrals to other Christian organizations where he could receive further help. Her thought, while willingly helping this man, was that she had never heard of an atheist group who organized themselves to the point of benefitting society, and could not give him referrals to such places where he would feel comfortable.
Just try to imagine what the world would look like if Christian people stopped doing all the things they do. I wonder what society would look like then?

Tim has been a United Methodist Pastor since 1973 and has been at Broad Ripple United Methodist since 2003. Email your questions/comments to
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