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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v02n13)
by Alan Hague
posted: Jun. 24, 2005

Recent Zoning

2005-DV3-031 711 EAST 65 TH STREET (Approximate Address), COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT # 3 ZONED C-2 (FF) requests a VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to legally establish an existing one and one-half story structure with a 6.8-foot west side yard setback and a 5.5-foot rear yard setback (minimum ten-foot side and rear yard with landscaping required), and to provide for an addition to the existing structure resulting in a 3,910-square foot office building with nine off-street parking spaces minimum fourteen off-street parking spaces required), with an eight-foot wide concrete sidewalk located in the required front yard setback (minimum ten-foot landscaped front yard required), and with ten parking spaces within the right-of- way of East 65 th Street (not permitted). The details of this petition are on file.
2005-DV1-027 6235 GUILFORD AVENUE (Approximate Address), COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT # 3 ZONED C-4 (FF) BW-3 requests a VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Commercial Zoning Ordinance to provide for the construction of a 951.56-square foot outdoor seating patio (maximum 121.87 square feet of outdoor seating, or one percent of the total gross square footage of the establishment permitted), with a zero-foot front setback (minimum ten-foot front setback required). The details of this petition are on file.
2005-DV1-030 6501 NORTH COLLEGE AVENUE (Approximate Address), INDIANAPOLIS, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP, COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT # 3 ZONED C-3 (FF) FORUM CREDIT UNION requests a VARIANCE OF DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS of the Flood Control Districts Zoning Ordinance to provide for the renovation of an existing 3000-square foot commercial building with a finished floor elevation of 716.95 feet above sea level (min 723 feet, or two feet above Base Flood Elevation).The details of this petition are on file.
NOTE: descriptions in parenthesis such as, "not permitted" and "minimum ... required", are describing the current zoning for the property. The variance is being sought to deviate from those limitations.
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