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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v01n02)
BRHS Distinguished Alumni awarded to Eugene Anderson
by Alan Hague
posted: May 27, 2004

At the Ripple Round-Up, the annual BRHS awards ceremony, the 2004 Distinguished Alumni Award was presented to Eugene Anderson, Assistant Deputy Mayor for Neighborhoods for Indianapolis.
Mr. Anderson graduated from BRHS in 1979. He lettered for four years in both football and track and was active in school politics.
Mr. Anderson attended Wabash College. He worked for L.S. Ayres and Ameritech before joining the city government.
"Mrs. Dearing was my guidance counselor at Broad Ripple. She called me into her office and told me I had chosen the wrong path and that I was taking the easy route. I didn't understand right then, but later knew she was right and I changed my path. She made a difference in my life."
Previous recipients of this award include: John Mutz, Fred Murphy, Paul Mannweiller, Anne Ryder and, last year, David Letterman.

BRHS Distinguished Alumni awarded to Eugene Anderson
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