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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #27 - (The story of your editor's great-great-grandfather's accidental death)
posted: Aug. 24, 2023

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Part Twenty-seven

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

Since Clarellen [Edna's brother Glen's child, in Ohio] was the only other grand child and lived so far away that we seldom saw her, Edith Catherine got lots of attention from her Aunt Edith and Aunt Nitha who had no children of their own and from Grandparents. Nitha made her darling little dresses and spoiled her about right. Girstle too did his part.
Grandpa Hague [Samuel Thompson Hague] stayed with us two summers since Grandma [Elizabeth Fisher Hague] was with Aunt Mary. He moved bedroom furniture in and he and Girstle took over the upstairs. He was really good to me, had my washing and ironing done, helped out buying groceries, etc. When Edith Catherine was big enough that summer he took her for a ride in the old Ford every morning. She would sit in the corner of the seat as big as cuffy and off they would go. He spent hours in the yard watching here and she was lots of company for him.
In August of 1923 before going back to Florida he went to Noblesville one day and stopped in to see a niece - Cora Decker. He started to the bathroom opened the wrong door stepped forward and fell to the basement. They called us and Dad and Nora. He lived until the next day. We got word he was calling for us and wanting to see Edith Catherine. Before we arrived he had passed away. He was brought to our house and the funeral held there. He was buried at the Beaver or Highland Cemetery beside Grandma. He was 76 yrs old.
He had quite a little money in his pocket which Dad and Aunt Mary gave to me for a set of dishes as that was his reason for being in Noblesville that day, looking for a set to give to me. I bought the gold band dishes (the only good set of dishes I have even had) and which I am still using.
September was unusually hot that year and adjusting after grandpa's death wasn't easy for me.

Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #27 - (The story of your editor's great-great-grandfather's accidental death)

Tom in Florida
Tom in Florida

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Angie Mercer Insurance Broad Ripple State Farm

Tom and Elizabeth Hague probably around 1900
Tom and Elizabeth Hague probably around 1900

          end of part twenty-seven
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