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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Aug. 24, 2023

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The winners of this past quiz were Azian Persuazionz with 17 points. The winners of the Best Team Name Competition were Save Big Money At My Nards. This week's questions were created by Dean Knapp, for which we are grateful.

Cowboy Steeds
1) Roy Roger's horse was famously Trigger. Whose horse was called Champion?
2) What major cowboy star from the silent era rode a horse named Tony?
3) The horse Topper was ridden by what radio, TV and movie cowboy played by William Boyd?
4) The Cisco Kid's horse was Diablo. His comic sidekick's horse was Loco. Who was Loco's rider?

Important Years In English History
1) In what year did the Battle of Hastings, which began the Norman Conquest of Saxon England, take place? 1066
2) In what 20th Century year did the United Kingdom have three different Kings, one of whom was George VI, Elizabeth II's father, who was portrayed in the movie The King's Speech?
3) In what year did King John sign the Magna Carta at Runnymede?
4) In what year did The Great Fire Of London occur, which was recounted by the 17th Century diarist Samuel Pepys?

Acronyms and Abbreviations
1) What does the acronym QANTAS, which is the name of the Australian national airline, stand for?
2) What does the acronym RADAR stand for?
3) What is the astronomical abbreviation Parsec, meaning 3.26 Light Years, short for?
4) A 1942 organization, of which William F. Buckley Jr. was a member, was known by the acronym A. B. C. D. E. F. The first part, A. B. C. D., stands for "American Boys Club for the Defense of". What Hollywood leading man, who had been accused of assault by two teenaged girls, does the last part, E. F., stand for?

Noms de Plume
1) William Sydney Porter, known for his short stories such as The Ransom Of Red Chief, wrote under what pen name?
2) What was the real name of Alice In Wonderland author Lewis Carroll?
3) Mary Anne Evans, author of such novels as The Mill On The Floss and Adam Bede, wrote under what pen name?
4) George Orwell was the pen name of what author, famous for the novels Animal Farm and 1984?

Heisman Trophy Winners
1) What running back for the University of Chicago was the first Heisman Trophy winner, which was awarded in 1935?
2) What Iowa running back, dubbed The Cornbelt Comet, and for whom the University of Iowa's football stadium is named, won the award in 1939?
3) What Ohio State running back won consecutive Heisman trophies in 1974 and 1975?
4) How many Heisman Trophy winners have played at Notre Dame?
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