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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v08n23)
Land use issues raised at BRVA meetings
by Alan Hague
posted: Nov. 11, 2011

The following issues were discussed at the September 27 public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association Land Use and Development Committee (LUDC) meeting:
6334 Westfield Boulevard - petition 2001-ZON-075 - This petition is a request for rezoning the building that was previously a veterinary clinic from I-3-U (Light Industrial Urban) to C-3C (Corridor Commercial district) to provide for office and retail space. The proposal is to improve the existing structure and to remove a small addition on the Westfield side to make this three separate buildings again with a courtyard. A second floor is to be added to the north building, along withnew roofs and a new skin on the building. The construction project will follow LEED development standards. There will be space for 1 to 5 tenants. Expectations are for technology and software startup companies to occupy the offices.

6334 Westfield Boulevard
6334 Westfield Boulevard

831 Broad Ripple Avenue - liquor license - This was a follow-up presentation for the request for a liquor license for Kilroy's Bar n' Grill that is proposed for the building that previously housed Cardinal Fitness on Broad Ripple Avenue. Previously the Kilroy's license hearing before the Marion County Alcohol Beverage Board (ABB) heard testimony for almost two hours. The board asked both presenting sides to meet again to try to reach an agreement before returning to the ABB. In the latest proposal by Kilroy's, the outdoor deck has been reduced from 4500 square feet to 1445. The (so far) unresolvable issue between the BRVA and Kilroy's is whether or not the proposed Kilroy's Bar n' Grill can be classified as a "family restaurant", a designation needed for the project to use an existing zoning variance for the property. Since this meeting, the ABB has approved the license.
6523 Ferguson Street - petition 2011-UV1-024 - This request is for a zoning variance to allow for additional outdoor deck space with a 3-season room to be added to what is currently Fire by the Monon. There was a follow-up request for this property on the agenda for the October 25 LUDC meeting that was removed from the agenda right before that meeting due to possible changes in the restaurant's ownership.
6280 and 6286 College Avenue - 2011-DV1-021 - This petition is a request for several zoning variances to allow for the construction of a parking structure between College avenue and Westfield Boulevard. The October 11 hearing before the Metropolitan Board Of Zoning Appeals, Division Two, Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, has been continued to the November 15 hearing.
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