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Letters to the Editor - The razing of 6520 Carrollton
posted: Jan. 23, 2025

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

Recently we mentioned that we missed a house razing at 6520 Carrollton Avenue. A reader then sent this in!

Hey, Alan,
I took this photograph on July 8th, 2023. I did not know at the time that you were collecting demolition photos for the archive, but I learned that that's what you aim to do in the most recent BRRR. One of my bandmates used to live in the house, and it was sort of across the street from the Cake Bake Bakery, on Carrollton Ave. The address was most likely 6520.
Tom Probasco

Letters to the Editor - The razing of 6520 Carrollton
image courtesy of Tom Probasco

Here is how the house looked in 2002 when it was The Wellness Space. My research shows that famed Indiana artist Nancy Noel lived there in 1969, and became the Noel Art Gallery in 1977.

Letters to the Editor - The razing of 6520 Carrollton

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