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October Zoning Issues
by Alan Hague
posted: Nov. 21, 2024

There were around 20 in attendance at the October 22, 2024, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association [BRVA] Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard [KK28 on map].

There were two items on the published agenda, in bold below.

1) 806 Broad Ripple Avenue (Indy CD & Vinyl) - Andy Skinner, owner of Indy CD & Vinyl, will be present to discuss the company's plans for expansion into the former Landsharks space, which is adjacent to their current establishment.
This item was for information only, no vote requested. Indy CD and Vinyl plans to expand into the old Landsharks location at 808 Broad Ripple Avenue. The space will be an expansion of the retail business and also an all-ages music venue planning to apply for a 2-way beer/wine liquor license. The liquor would only be served in cans at the venue. There was a lengthy discussion by the BRVA concerning the possible issues of patrons lining up on the sidewalk for events and for the sudden release of underage patrons into the village following events.

Indy CD & Vinyl's Andy Skinner
Indy CD & Vinyl's Andy Skinner

The old Landsharks location next to Indy CD & Vinyl
The old Landsharks location next to Indy CD & Vinyl

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2) Gershman Partners Developments (Versa & Madera) - Eric Gershman, of Gershman Partners, will be appearing to present updates on their current development projects in Broad Ripple, Versa and Madera.
This item was for information only, no vote requested. Gershman Partners spoke about the projects around the Broad Ripple area. Versa, on the site of the old Kroger at 6220 Guilford Avenue, is wrapping up construction. The crane is expected to be removed from the site on Halloween. The Medera project at 65th and Ferguson is on hold awaiting tenants. It was also explained that 6420 Cornell Avenue [C5] is awaiting a permanent tenant for the space. Currently The Health Club (THC) taproom & cafe is operating on a short-term lease.

The Versa project
The Versa project

The Medera project
The Medera project

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Fifth Church

October Zoning Issues

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.
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