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Random Historic Photo - 1930s Westfield Boulevard
posted: Oct. 31, 2024

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This is a photo of the White River and canal. I am guessing it was taken around 1937.
Just down from the top on the right half is the dam that creates the canal.
Halfway down of the left side is the Monon train station. It became the Whistle Stop Deli and is BRICS today.

On the east side of the street, Westfield Boulevard today (back then it was Cornell Avenue), was the Indianapolis Water Company tool house. It is there today.
On the west side was
6338 Keith Porter used Cars
6360 Pittman-Rice Coal Company (you can see piles of coal in the yard) Later this became Rogers Pools.
64th Street
6404 Sinclair Refining Filling Station
6406 Aubrey Chamberlin auto repair
6420 Clarence Veregee (residence)

image courtesy of Indpls. Water Co. archives
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