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Random Rippling - Hit City Show
posted: Oct. 17, 2024

Your editor had his first opportunity to go inside of Hit City Recording Studio at 707 E. 54th Street [OO23 on map]. The event was a small concert by Moonflower Trio and Matt Boyer. It turns out that the recording studio has been there for 40 years!
This was a lovely, intimate evening of local music. Thanks to Tim Brickley for allowing us all in for the show.

Special, unannounced, guest Scott Rudicel
Special, unannounced, guest Scott Rudicel

Matt Boyer
Matt Boyer

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Angie Mercer Insurance Broad Ripple Brewpub Broad Ripple State Farm

Moonflower Trio - Cara Jean Wahlers, Grover Parido, and Doug Sauter
Moonflower Trio - Cara Jean Wahlers, Grover Parido, and Doug Sauter

Grover Parido
Grover Parido

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Shaarey Yeshua

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