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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Jul. 25, 2024

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The winners of the July 16th, 2024, quiz were Homerun Slurby with 46 points. The winners of the Best Team Name Competition were In Other News, Tenacious D Assassinated.

Round One: Road Movies
1) A 1984 movie in which a woman played by Karen Allen takes a space alien, who has taken the form of her late husband and is played by Jeff Bridges, across country to a rendezvous point so that he can return to his own planet, shares a title with what 1972 song by David Bowie?
2) An ex-cop turned bounty hunter, played by Robert De Niro, must transport his prisoner played by Charles Grodin who has skipped bail, from New York to Los Angeles, to collect the reward from the bail bondsman, in what 1988 movie?
3) In the 1977 movie Smokey And The Bandit, The Bandit, played by Burt Reynolds, and his sidekick, Cledus, played by Jerry Reed, are hired to illegally bring a shipment of what kind of beer from Texarkana to Atlanta?
4) In the 2006 movie Little Miss Sunshine, all six members of the Hoover family travel from New Mexico to California so that the youngest member of the family, Olive, can take part in a beauty pageant. What famous actor won his only Academy Award for playing Olive's grandfather?
5) Moneyball Question:Two career navy men, one played by Jack Nicholson, are charged with escorting a young sailor convicted of theft from the naval base at Norfolk Virginia to a naval prison in Maine. Released in 1973, what is the title of the movie, which at the time was noted for the realistic level of profanity employed by the sailors?

Round Two: Movie Co-Stars Mash-Ups
1) Who are this actor and actress? In what 2023 movie did they both appear, which led to the actress receiving a groundbreaking Oscar nomination?
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image courtesy of BR Brewpub

2) Who are this actress and actor? In what epic fantasy film from 1981 did they both appear which led to a romantic relationship between them that lasted almost five years?
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image courtesy of BR Brewpub

3) Who are these two actresses? In what 2010 psychological drama directed by Darren Aronofsky did they both appear?
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image courtesy of BR Brewpub

4) Who are these two actors? What 1998 action comedy, which spawned two sequels, did they both star in?
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image courtesy of BR Brewpub

5) Who are this actress and actor? In what 2023 movie did they both appear, where the actress won the Best Actress Oscar for her performance?
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image courtesy of BR Brewpub

Round Three: July 16th - The Day In History
1) In 1054, two Christian church leaders excommunicating one another led to an event known as what?
2) In 1858, the final apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette Soubirous in what small village located in the French Pyrenees?
3) In 1887, the most well-known baseball player who was banned from the game for life for his involvement in the 1919 Black Sox scandal was born. Who was he?
4) In 1969, Apollo 11 took off from the John F. Kennedy Space Center on its way to the moon. How many days later did it take for the mission to arrive at its destination?
5) Moneyball Question: In 1935 the first parking meter was installed in what US capital city?

Round Four: High Speed Transport
1) A high speed train known as the TGV runs mostly through what European country?
2) To the closest hour, what was the fastest ever time that the Concord traveled from London to New York?
3) Parts of what roadway in Europe has no official speed limit, allowing motorists to travel as fast as they like?
4) Public transportation systems known as BRT, which stands for Bus Rapid Transit operate in cities all over the world. Indianapolis' Red Line is an example of a BRT system. When completed, there will be two more lines added to the system. What two colors have these future lines been designated with?
5) Moneyball Question: Water borne passenger vessels which operate by using wing-like structures that hold their hulls out of the water making them much faster than regular ferries are known as what?

Round Five: Numbers And Letters (all of the answers to these questions have either a number or standalone letter in them)
1) With what car did the Ford Motor Company replace the Model T in 1927?
2) Sloths are divided into two main groups distinguished by the number of "toes" they have. What are those two groups?
3) Reptilian alien visitors, who initially appear to earthlings as both human and friendly, attempt to take over the earth in what television miniseries from 1983?
4) What company introduced Masking Tape in 1923 and Scotch Tape in 1930?
5) Moneyball Question: Published in 1890 what was the second of the four novel length stories that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote featuring Sherlock Holmes and John Watson?

Round Six: Country Song Names
1) What country singer sang about a woman named Ruby in a 1969 song and a woman named Lucille in a 1977 song?
2) Beyoncé recorded a version with modified lyrics of Dolly Parton's 1973 song Jolene which is featured on what album released in March of 2024?
3) What is the title of the 1974 song by John Denver that features the following lyrics: "You fill up my senses, like a night in a forest"?
4) Recorded in 1981 what song was the biggest hit for the band The Oak Ridge Boys?
5) Moneyball Question: The 2001 album Southern Rock Opera by what band features a song called Ronnie And Neil about Neil Young's 1970 song Southern Man and Lynyrd Skynyrd's 1974 response Sweet Home Alabama co-written by Ronnie Van Zant?
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