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Old Town of Broad Ripple Meeting Minutes #210
posted: Jun. 20, 2024

This historic serial has run on and off in the last 19 years of the Broad Ripple Gazette. The intention is to share the history of Broad Ripple, help people find their ancestors in the text, and to complete the transcriptions of these important early documents.
The Town of Broad Ripple was incorporated in 1894, and started holding regular meetings at that time. In each issue, I will print my transcription of the old Town of Broad Ripple meeting minutes. These are taken from the original, hand-written minutes that contain many spelling errors. I have transcribed all the records as they were entered, including errors. I will make some corrections to the text in brackets [ ]. I will try to include street name changes, such as: Shelby Street became 63rd, then Broad Ripple Avenue, Morgan Street is now Guilford, North is now 64th, Hancock is now Westfield. See more of our street name research at - Alan
The original minutes books are at the Indiana State Archives at 6440 E. 30th St.

Here is the two-hundred-tenth installment
Hotel fire

March 6, 1906
The Broad Ripple Town Board met in regular session. All members being present. The first business in order was the allowance of bills presented as follows:

To T.F. Metsker $30.00 for salary as marshal during the month of February 1906.
To Standard Oil Company $1.00 for ten gallons of oil.
To Wm L Baker + Co, $10.00 balance due on old account.
The Board allowed $25.00 to the Firemen's Pension Fund of Indianapolis; in return for services rendered (by the Indianapolis Fire Department) at the fire which occurred February 4th, 1906.

Trustees B.F. Osborne and Millard Eaton were appointed as committee to have streets graded + put in good condition.
As there was no further business before the Board, it adjourned.

JD Sullivan President
Attest Don A Day Clerk

The account of the hotel fire in the papers
The account of the hotel fire in the papers

{next issue: Salaries paid}
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