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Everything Broad Ripple HomearrowRandom Ripplings Homearrow2024 06 20arrowPublic Notice

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Midtown Indy Hires New Executive Director
posted: Jun. 20, 2024

Midtown Indianapolis Inc (Midtown Indy) board president Eva Marquez announced today that the organization has hired a new executive director. "The Board of Directors is delighted to introduce Rachel Dickerson as the organization's new executive director," Marquez said.
"We interviewed many qualified candidates, and the board feels Rachel is the best choice to succeed Michael McKillip and build on the great work he accomplished during his tenure at the organization," she added.
"I am ecstatic," Dickerson said, "I see so much opportunity to advocate for the community that I love. I look forward to supporting the organization's mission to promote equitable development, diversity, and positive change in all Midtown neighborhoods."
Dickerson is a long-time resident in the district who has been engaged in the community both personally and professionally. She lives in the Mapleton-Fall Creek neighborhood with her husband, two daughters, and pet canine. Dickerson will begin work on June 3.
Midtown Indy is a nonprofit community service organization. Its mission: "To cultivate an equitable, healthy, and sustainable community in which stakeholders of all incomes, races, and ethnicities have access to the opportunities, services, and amenities they need to thrive."

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