Birds Of Broad Ripple - by Brandt Carter and Jeffrey L. Stone
posted: Jun. 20, 2024

House for Rent
My Ms. House Wren returns every year to my garden to set up residency in a gourd. Her song is amazing and her warbling announces her return in the first week of May. I delight so much that my ringtone on my IPhone is her call so that I hear her all year long. The wren's song is so distinctive and loud that hearing it help you spot the small, brown bird with the up-turned tail.
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone
The House Wren has one of the largest ranges of any songbird. A House Wren weighs about as much as two quarters. The male House Wren starts building several nests at once in hopes of persuading a female to mate with him, so several houses in your yard may persuade them to stay. Note that a good wren house will have a 1 1/8" hole. Any larger hole will attract sparrows. And if you have a wren house, be sure they are cleaned out after each nesting. Pairs typically break up by the end of each nesting season and choose new partners the next year.
If you want lovely music in your yard and help with insect control, this is the bird to attract.
image courtesy of Jeffrey L. Stone