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May Zoning Issues
by Alan Hague
posted: Jun. 06, 2024

There were around 21 in attendance at the May 28, 2024, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association [BRVA] Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard.

There were four items on the published agenda (but one was removed at the meeting), in bold below.

May Zoning Issues

6013 N College Avenue - Tuan Nguyen, the proprietor of 6013 N College Avenue, will deliver a comprehensive update from their previous presentation on April 23, 2024. Seeking additional input, Mr. Nguyen will discuss the proposed rezone of the property from D-5 to MU-2, with the intention of integrating a commercial aspect into the premises.
This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the petitioner.

6255 N College Avenue (Eating Fresh) - Loc Phan, the proprietor of Eating Fresh, will be presenting. His establishment is seeking a new liquor license for their restaurant. They had a liquor license previously, and it has since expired. They are seeking a new one now that business has stabilized. Liquor License - RR4941239
Eating Fresh is applying for the same 2-way (beer, wine) liquor license that it held before. That license expired and needs to be re-applied for. The committee voted unanimously to write a letter of support to the Alcoholic Beverage Board of Marion County.

6176 Carrollton Avenue - Ted Darnall with Milestone Design Group will be appearing with a presentation on the petition filed for Variance of Development Standards of the Consolidated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to provide for the construction of a single-family dwelling and attached carport with a 3-foot southern side yard setback (five-feet required). Case Number: 2024-DV2-019; Hearing Date: June, 11, 2024
This request is to enlarge the carport on the south side of the house by 2 feet to better allow car access. This will put the edge of the carport 3 feet from the property line, where 5 feet is required by the zoning. The house to the south is owned by the same person.
The board voted unanimously to write a letter of support to the Metropolitan Development Committee.

Edgewater Apartments - A representative for Edgewater Apartments, will be appearing with a presentation on the petition filed for a variance. Case Number: 2024-DV1-019; Hearing Date: June, 4, 2024
This request is to replace the pool and fence at the Edgewater Apartments, 6701 N. College Avenue [A3 on map]. The new components would have the same placement as the old. The fence is in the setback area of the College Avenue frontage. Replacing it requires a variance to allow for it to be that close to the street.
The board was unable to vote on this matter as three of the committee members had to be recused from voting due to family connections to the owner of the property and therefore, with the rest of the committee not in attendance for a quorum tonight, the board agreed to vote with the full committee on-line later. There seemed to be no concerns from the committee concerning this project to replace the pool.

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2022, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.
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