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Random Rippling - Broad Ripple From The Air
posted: Jun. 06, 2024

On my way back from Washington, D.C. this week, we flew right over Broad Ripple.
You can see the changes happening in the Village from above.

On the upper left is the construction of the Versa project at the old Kroger site. On the left in the middle is the new BRHS football field construction. The new BR Park Family Center can be seen next to the pool at the bottom. The dam that creates the canal is on the right toward the top. the canal start is by the boat on the White River.
On the upper left is the construction of the Versa project at the old Kroger site. On the left in the middle is the new BRHS football field construction. The new BR Park Family Center can be seen next to the pool at the bottom. The dam that creates the canal is on the right toward the top. the canal start is by the boat on the White River.

A wider shot looking to the west. Kessler and College is near the lower left. Broad Ripple Avenue and College is in the center, with the triangular parking garage, and the Versa construction down and right of that. Park Tudor is in the upper right
A wider shot looking to the west. Kessler and College is near the lower left. Broad Ripple Avenue and College is in the center, with the triangular parking garage, and the Versa construction down and right of that. Park Tudor is in the upper right

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