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Letters to the Editor - Chicken Delight
posted: Mar. 14, 2024

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

The recent Historic Ad for Vonnegut's Hardware spurred a Letter to the Editor.

Just a thought from the late 50s. . . on summer evenings, our family would window shop down Broad Ripple Ave. to Lindner's for ice cream and back. Vonnegut's had just had new sidewalk poured in front of the store which had a lot of mica mix-in it that twinkled in the street lights glow. I remember being POSITIVE that this was gold, being down on the cement and telling everyone about my findings!!! This might not seem like a big deal, but it has stood out in my mind for quite a long time!
It's not much, but it certainly stayed in my memory for all these years. . . I never remember going into Vonnegut's cuz I was really small then. More people probably remember the evening stroll to Linder's.

Editor (BRHS Class of 1978) - My places were Lindner's Ice Cream (Union Jack Pub today) and Roselyn Bakery (Parking Garage today). Haag Drugs (Kilroy's today) for candy. G.C. Murphy's (corner of BR Ave & College) and Ed Schock's Toy and Hobby Shop (Egyptian today) for toys. I was born in 1960 and don't remember Vonnegut's ( today).

Those were all my places too. . . but from when I was real small I remember Little America and the old Hook's (on the SE corner of College and BR Ave) beside Murphy's, and that Haag's had once been a Standard grocery store (cuz they still had the pressure mats to open the doors for you. . . neighborhood dogs loved those!). Kiddie Matinees at the Vogue!!!
. . . and of course, Chicken Deé Lite!!!!

Editor - One of my earliest memories is sitting in the car waiting for my sister picking up either Chicken Delight or 4Bs pizza (same place I think) and listing to Both Sides Now on the radio. It hit me when Joni Mitchell sang that at the Grammys a few days ago.

That is SO cool. We would normally only get food from there when my Dad worked late downtown at Banner Whitehill. . .
Hey. . . ya ain't from Ripple unless you've had Chicken Delight!
- Sally AYRES Mohringer (BRHS Class of 1971)

This is so strange. The first image I pulled up to look for the historic ad for this issue had an ad for Banner Whitehill. I had never heard of that store before Sally's Letter to the Editor!

From 1958
From 1958
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