Reports on our defunctness are greatly exaggerated
by Alan Hague
posted: Jan. 11, 2024
In a recent story by a local publication, we were referred to as "The defunct Broad Ripple Gazette". I supposed it doesn't hurt to remind that the bi-weekly Broad Ripple Random Ripplings is, as it says at the top of each one, "Brought to you by The Broad Ripple Gazette (Delivering the news since 2004, every two weeks)". Indeed, the print version went the way of my 60-year-old paper delivery knees, but we still publish the local news.
It has also come to my attention that some readers do not know that each issue has a link to the
Calendar of Events that lists items in and around the Broad Ripple area. That calendar is updated often as events are sent it. The link will always take you to the latest version of that calendar. We also recently added a calendar archive, to help locate the date of a past event.
As for the content of the sixteen years of paper issues, I am about 75% through with the electronic conversion project. Each issue is being converted into the electronic format of the Broad Ripple Random Ripplings, making every word searchable and all of the photographs available for viewing. Each conversion takes around 3 hours. Another 90 or so issues out of 400 to convert.
You can find all of the past Random Rippling issues along with the so-far converted BRG issues at
All of the content is searchable at
Your editor
Alan Hague