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Everything Broad Ripple HomearrowRandom Ripplings Homearrow2024 01 11arrowPublic Notice

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Indy DPW to begin work on Westfield Boulevard bridge replacement
posted: Jan. 11, 2024

The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) will be starting work to replace Westfield Boulevard Bridge over the Central Canal, requiring the closure of the bridge on or after Jan. 8, 2024.
The Westfield Boulevard Bridge over the canal has seen significant deterioration over the years and has one of the lowest-rated bridge conditions in the county. Indy DPW and our construction partners will remove the bridge except for the concrete base along the bottom of the canal, with the bridge being replaced with a new 60-foot span.
The project's total cost is $4.1 million, with a total construction cost of $3.3 million. Federal funding for the bridge is a key factor of the project, supporting most of the project cost. Because this is a federally funded project, Indy DPW and our construction partners have to adhere to a detailed timeline in order to meet federal guidelines.
Pre-construction coordination activities, including utility relocation by AES and Citizens Energy Group, have been underway since the end of 2023. Utility relocations are allowing for minimal impact to residents utility service during the project. AES Indiana has moved overhead lines to the west and north of the bridge, while Citizens Energy Group has worked to relocate a water main through a 21" diameter pipe constructed above the proposed bridge.
The listed detour route is 75th Street to College Avenue to reach Broad Ripple Avenue. This is intended to not bring heavy traffic through local neighborhoods. The only road closure involved in the project will be the roadway over the bridge, located between East Westfield Boulevard and East 64th Street.
Updates on the project can be found here.
After the new bridge structure is in place this spring, the roadwork will continue with partial lane restrictions outside of the canal. Work is anticipated to be completed before the end of the 2024 construction season.
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