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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #36
posted: Jan. 11, 2024

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Part Thirty-Six

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

Russell sold 3 big loads of hogs while I was in the hospital for three cents a pound and at that rate, they didn't pay the hospital bill. Corn that year was 10 cents a bushel and we burned corn in the range to cook with. It made a hot fire but didn't last long.
Russell did all the shopping that year for Christmas. I remember he bought a monkey that climbed a string for Clarellen. I was so aggravated with her gift as she was a good sized girl and learned later that for a long time it was one of her favorite possessions.
About this time we had our first hired man. He was an old bachelor - Harry Madge from Fishers. He would get the paper after supper and read us all the interesting articles until by the time he was through there was nothing new to read.
Grandma Roberts told Russell and Jesse when she heard about them needing help that when they started hiring men, their troubles would begin. Looking back over the years I think she was right. Dad always had hired men, too. Pierce Smith stayed with us several years and finally got married. Then there was a crippled fellow by the name of Lou Parsley - we were always glad when he was there for he bought a photograph that played round cylinder records and he had a lot of them. This machine was one of the old Victors with the big horn attached. Then there was Al Smith whose daughter was quite a belle in her day and his sweet quiet wife was a favorite with all of us. There was Clill (?) Abney, Frank Billheimer and a host of others who were around when I was growing up.
After Henry Madge, we had Grant Sherman who had married a niece of mother's. She had died and he was living with his daughter and son-in-law, Leo + Etta Sigman. The Sigmans worked for Jesse and Grant stayed with us. He had no teeth and was always telling us he only liked the gizzard of the chicken but could put away more than anyone. We went on vacation once, came back earlier than expected to find he had dug the potatoes in the garden + had then at the end of the walk for Etta to pick up. He told us the sacks had fallen apples in them but Russell had a chance to investigate and found potatoes.
Ed Devore was with us 3 years, then married and lived in the Clinton house the last year he worked for us. I couldn't begin to name all the men we had but among them was Herman Kitchens, Harvey Hendricks, Allie and Bennie Smith and a host of others. Roma Kitchens and Willodean Hendricks both lived across the road and we were the best of neighbors. Roma was one of the best friends I ever had. The only time I helped with a birth was when Donald Kitchens was born. I would have been even more frightened than I was if Roma's grandmother hadn't been there to tell me what to do. By the way, Roma is a half sister of Bennie and Allie Smith. When they started to work for us we were paying $10 a week, plus the house, fuel, meat, etc. I suppose we also fed their chickens.

          end of part thirty-six
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