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Right in my Own Backyard - The Times, They Are A-Changin' - by Brandt Carter
posted: Nov. 16, 2023

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The Times, They Are A-Changin'
I remember as a child hearing adults say, "Well, times aren't like they used to be when I was young" or "Those were the good old days." Never in a million years did I think I would ever be saying such things, but time has an uncanny way of upending "nevers." Isn't it strange how they can come to pass? These laments started me thinking about just what a difference a half-century makes. All of a sudden I had quite a list, which I thought it would be fun to share.

FansAir conditioningAuction housesEBAY online
Autograph booksFacebookEtherModern anesthetics
Adding machinesCalculatorsTypewritersComputers
Drive at your own riskSeat belts, airbagsDaily morning and evening newspapersPodcasts, blogs
Push mowersPower mowersSnapsVelcro
Card catalogsGoogle, search enginesElectrical plug-insWireless connectivity
Memo padsPost-a-NotesPrice tagsBar codes
Department storesOnline shoppingCareer employmentOutsourcing
Sense of living in neighborhoodsReality of living in a global communitySink/dish drainersDishwashers
TrashRecyclingGarbage pansGarbage disposals
Black & white TVsHDTV, TIVO, remote controls, and DVDsRabbit-ear antennasCable, Dish
Writing letterse-mailProp planesJumbo jets
Lumpy mattressesSleep number bedsCorrespondence schoolsOnline, distance learning
FleasFlea & Tick medicineParty lines, dial telephonesCell phones
EncyclopediasWikipediaCheckers, hide & seek, kick ballVideo games
CalendarsBlackberriesCashDebit cards
RadiosIpodsFull service gas station attendantsPump yourself, pay-at-pumps
Brownie or Box camera, black & white photosDigital camerasHome file cabinetsFlash drive
Popcorn poppersMicrowave popcornMix master, meat grinderFood processor
SpectaclesDisposable contactsX-raysMRIs
MapsMapquest, GPSCats CradleString Theory
PolioPolio VaccineHeart attacksPacemakers, heart transplants

I could go on and on, and you no doubt can add lots more as well, but what I'm hoping is that this little exercise will remind us just how far have we've progressed. I invite you to take a moment to reminisce with someone your own age or older-and then to take time to tell someone of today's generation about the "good ol' days." Each generation has its history. Sharing helps perpetuate heritage so all ages connect for the future.

Brandt Carter, artist, herbalist, and naturalist, owns Backyard Birds at 2374 E. 54th Street. Visit her web site Email your bird questions to
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