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Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #26
posted: Aug. 10, 2023

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Part Twenty-six

Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959

In January of 1922 on Friday the thirteenth at twelve o'clock noon a new member joined the family. A little girl later named Edith Catherine [Cac] looked around, decided she liked us and moved in decided to stay. Since it was Friday and the 13th we have since declared that to be "our lucky day". Grandpa [John Ellsworth Hague] and Grandma [Nora] Hague and Great Grandfather Hague [Samuel Thompson Hague] heard the news in Bradenton, Florida and Aunt Edith heard about her namesake in Los Angeles, California. Edith Catherine was such a good baby we hardly knew we had her until in January 1923 she had whooping cough real bad and then we knew, for we hardly dared leave her alone a minute. Then when she was about 2 ½ she had an illness and we never really knew what she had. We were doctoring with McFarlin and finally went to our old doctor in Fishers - Dr. Heath. He thought it was typhoid fever. She was in bed for three weeks and quite some time recuperating. Just as she was beginning to be herself again Charlotte Roberts decided to get married and wanted Edith Catherine for a flower girl. We got her dress(ed) and she went through rehearsal but that was as far as she went. When it came to the wedding no amount of persuasion could send her down that aisle. She was given a single strand of pearls to commemorate the occasion anyway.
Grandpa and Grandma Hague and Great Grandpa had come home in April and Edith came home in July, The morning after Edith [Edna's twin sister] came home we were in bed with Edith Catherine between us. She kept looking at first one, then the other with a puzzled look on her face as she noticed the resemblance and could hardly figure out which was her mother.
Mrs. Ketterman, aunt Carrie's mother, had stayed with us when Edith Catherine was born. Not many folks used the hospital then for such events. I remember Girstle being at home, too and like a fish out of water, not knowing where to keep himself he proceeded to fix dinner. Grandma Roberts was with us, too. Since the folks were gone Nitha [Edna's older sister] thought it a terrible calamity to have a baby on the 13th especially a Friday.
Grandpa and Grandma Clinton who lived across the road couldn't have been prouder if the baby had been their own granddaughter. We always thought so much of them and they of us. Since I had lived across from them all my life they were like a part of the family. Grandpa threw his hat in the air when he came in that eve.

          end of part twenty-six
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