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Everything Broad Ripple HomearrowRandom Ripplings Homearrow2023 06 29arrowPublic Notice

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posted: Jun. 29, 2023

A proposal to establish new greenway crossing zones passed unanimously through the Public Works Committee with bipartisan support on Thursday evening.
Proposal 162 would allow for new, lower speed limits to be instituted on a case-by-case basis at the intersection of streets and greenways, such as the Monon Trail and Fall Creek Trail. Where enacted, these lower speed limits will indicate to drivers that they need to slow down and pay closer attention in the area, making crossings safer for trail users.
"As development along trail corridors increases density and pedestrian and bicycle traffic, we must implement new methods to protect trail users," said Indy DPW Director Brandon Herget. "This proposal empowers our engineering team with a new solution that may save lives in Marion County."
During the 2023 construction season, Indy DPW will build more than 20 miles of new greenways.
Greenway crossings selected for lower speed limits will be posted on for 30 days before signs are installed.
Proposal 162 was introduced by City-County Council Vice President Zach Adamson (District 17) and Councillor John Barth (District 7).
"Greenway trails offer improved connectivity and accessibility for both residents and visitors," said Vice President Zach Adamson, Chair of the Public Works Committee. "In addition to providing funding and expanding them, my colleagues and I on the Council are also committed to ensuring they remain safe for everyone. I am proud that Proposal 162 has been sent to the full Council with a do pass recommendation."
"I am pleased to see progress in efforts to make our neighborhoods safer and more walkable," Councillor Barth said. "These changes are another step in protecting cyclists and pedestrians while curbing potentially reckless driving."
Thursday evening also saw the passage of Proposal 161, which would allow for the permitting of activities and the licensing of encroachments in greenway trail corridors. This will promote economic development activities along trail corridors while protecting trail assets.
Both proposals now go to the full council for consideration on July 10.

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