Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #23
posted: Jun. 29, 2023

Part Twenty-three
Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959
The day before we were married we met a man from Russellville [about 50 miles west of Indy] who took us to the furniture factory and we picked out a dining room suite, a living room suite, a library table, a bedroom suite, etc. Edith went with us and also bought a bedroom suite. That night we had the annual threshing crew ice cream supper at our house with lots of people there. Everyone who had threshed together and their families. I remember the Masters. They only had Betty and Mary then. That night Irene Eusey, a girlfriend of mine who was to marry Raymond Randall in a day or two, and who had all their furniture bought told me she just couldn't go through with it and they parted ways. They were to move in Aunt Helen's place and she was really put out over it as it spoiled plans they had made. Both married later to someone else. I advised her to stop everything if that was the way she felt as it was about time to make up her mind which she did a little late.
When we bought our furniture we got a real pretty dining room suite with a big buffet. I really wanted that buffet but Russell didn't think we should get it so we decided to see what his mother advised. She very emphatically said "yes" there was no better time to start out right. I was always thankful for the help and we enjoyed it for a good many years.
The day after the ice cream supper was Sept 1st and wedding day. Russell came up and he and Russell sorted hogs. Then I went home with him and had dinner there with his mother, Charlotte and Cathryn. I had a faun colored wool suit, a pink georgette blouse, my last pair of high topped shoes, and a plush hat the match the suit. Charlotte and Cathryn talked for a long time about that outfit. Russell and I took off after dinner and went to the Barth Place Parsonage all by ourselves and were married by C.R. Stout with only Mildred and her mother as witnesses. We went on to Centerville and stayed all night with Mary Garret and her husband (can't remember her married name). They had been to our house just after they were married and we had liked them a lot so when they asked us there, we went, then the next day went on to Urbana and stayed at Glen [Edna's brother] and Amy's a couple of days. They were so tickled as Roger (Amy's brother) had come in unexpectedly the evening before we got there. He was an early beau of mine and I had taken a lot of teasing while younger about him. We came home on a Sunday evening and the folks moved the next day. I remember how torn up the house was when we walked in.
end of part twenty-three