Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #22
posted: Jun. 15, 2023

Part Twenty-two
Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959
I went back to Jackson's and taught school at Nora another winter - Russell worked at the Post Office awhile and finally went to Nordyke + Marmons [1910 Indianapolis City Directory lists it as motor cars and flour mill engines] where he made "big" pay - $70 a week. Before he came home I went to Ind'polis one day intending to get a new bedroom suite. I wanted a white antique one + since I slept in the room Cac uses for a sewing room off the living room, Nora was real enthused. After looking around I bought a Columbia record player or Victrola as they were called then and a bunch of records. That didn't go over very good at the time but we had lots of pleasure out of it after the fire burned down. I didn't mind too much sleeping in the same old bed and looking in the same old mirror. Russell bought a new car, he had a Ford that Jesse had owned when first out of the service. He bought the Seneca from Uncle Perry. If I remember right it cost $820 and was quite a car. We sold it later for $800 to buy furniture when we were married.
1919 passed by and in the spring of 1920 we planned to be married on September 1, 1920. Dad [John Ellsworth Hague] was ready to retire from the farm so Russell and Girstle took over the farm that fall and the folks moved to College Avenue in Broad Ripple [6148 N. College Avenue, J2 on
Hague home place (farm house) as it looked then John Ellsworth Hague children were born. It was at 8369 E. 96th Street, where the Fishers Meijer store is today.
image courtesy of Helen Dawson Hague collection
The 6148 College house that they moved to in 1920
image courtesy of Helen Dawson Hague collection
John and Nora standing at the 6148 College house. Today this is the office of Andrey M. Horton, D.D.S.
image courtesy of Helen Dawson Hague collection
end of part twenty-two