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Zoning issues at BRVA March meeting
by Alan Hague
posted: Apr. 06, 2023

There were around 20 in attendance at the March 23, 2023, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association [BRVA] Land Use and Development committee that was held in the basement of Northminster Presbyterian Church, 1660 Kessler Boulevard.
There were two items on the agenda, in bold below.

6360 Guilford Ave (Audiochuck) - Representatives from Audiochuck will be presenting updates on their amended site plans and parking lot plans.
This project to build a surface parking lot on the southwest corner of Guilford Avenue and Main Street was before the committee in 2022 and was supported. It also received approval from the Department of Metropolitan Development (DMD). It is back because the developer has evaluated the site over a longer period of time and decided changes to the plan should be made.
Since the last appearance before the board, Audiochuck, a podcast company, has purchased the G-Bloc building at 64th and Guilford Avenue for its headquarters. The parking lot is diagonally to the southwest from the building at Main Street and Guilford Avenue. Some modifications to the perimeter fence were made based on neighbor recommendations. The entrance to the lot was moved from Main Street, deemed too congested, to Guilford Avenue.
The committee voted to support this petition.

Audiochuck presenting before the board
Audiochuck presenting before the board

902 E 66th Street - A representative for 902 E 66th Street, will be appearing with a presentation on the petition filed for the following: Variance of Development Standard of the Consolidated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance to provide for a five-foot tall fence within the front yards of Ferguson Street and East 66th Street (maximum 3.5-foot tall fence permitted within front yards), encroaching within the clear sight triangle of their intersection, with the location of automated gates within the clear sight triangle of two vehicular access drives (encroachment within clear sight triangles not permitted). Case #: 2023-DV1-011, Hearing Date: April 4th, 2023
This variance is for an existing fence on the northeast corner of Ferguson and 66th Streets. It is taller than allowed and is in the "clear sight triangle" at the corner. The petitioner explained that while this fence is non-conforming to the code, it does not block the vision of drivers at the intersection and the height was require due to illegal dumping and other activities that occurred on the site.
There was a motion to not support this zoning variance. That motion was denied. Another motion to support it was then passed by the committee.

The corner visibility after the new fence installation
The corner visibility after the new fence installation

The corner visibility previously
The corner visibility previously

The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25, 2023, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.
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