Things I Remember - by Edna Hague Roberts (written in 1959) - #17
posted: Mar. 23, 2023

Part Seventeen
Things I Remember
Edna Hague Roberts
July 27, 1959
In 1917 Edith and I were seniors and ready for graduation. It was decided we would wear robes at commencement. I had substituted for a teacher that year and earned a little money so since Dad did not approve of spending $5.00 for robes I paid the rent on both of ours, much to my consternation, Nora made us organdy graduation dresses with big collars with insertion and lace edging and we had blue silk for baccalaureate. One of the teachers gave a dinner for the seniors and we had such a time wheedling Dad with Nora behind him letting us wear our white high topped shoes we had for bacc. and graduation. Grandpa had given us watches just when wrist watches came out and made us get larger white faced one so if that fad didn't last we could wear them on a chain or pin. No matter how we pleaded we could not wear until graduation. Mine is still running and is in the bank box at Noblesville. We had a stirling spoon from the Rev and Mrs Woods our minister then, a camera from the folks and several nice gifts. We had our commencement at Oaklandon with other township schools. There were four in our class and not more than twenty five if that many from all over the township. We had a flat tire going to Oaklandon and were almost late getting there for our "big night".
I stayed with Lowell and Nitha on N. New Jersey.
[margin] I also bought our invitations for commencement and bought our winter coats that year to repay some of the board and tuition paid to Nitha the summer I stayed there. Dad believed in everyone paying their own way when able to do so.
end of part seventeen