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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Feb. 09, 2023

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The winners of this past quiz were I See London, I See France, I See Through Lululemon Yoga Pants with 18 points. The winners of the Best Team Name Competition were Gay Marriage Is An Oxymoron. Gay Means Happy, Right?

Film Noir
1) In what 1944 film noir classic does Barbara Stanwyck plot with Fred McMurray to kill her husband and collect the insurance?
2) Who starred as Mexican Narcotics Officer Mike Vargas in the 1958 Orson Welles film Touch Of Evil?
3) What real life married couple starred in the 1948 movie Key Largo?
4) In the 1955 film Kiss Me Deadly, based on a story by Mickey Spillane, Ralph Meeker plays what character?

The Big Dance - Early Rounds Losers
1) The James Madison Dukes who lost to IU in the second round beat The Blackbirds in the round of four. What school do The Blackbirds represent?
2) What team that lost to a Big Ten team in the third round is coached by a former shooting guard for the Indiana Pacers, who was drafted by them in 1995?
3) A loss by what team allowed a fifteen seed, Florida Gulf Coast, to get to the Sweet Sixteen for the first time ever?
4) Gonzaga were the first number one seed to be knocked out of this year's tournament. In what Washington state city is the university located?

Foreign Words Crossword Clues
1) Enjoying the misfortune of others (German)? Thirteen letters - third letter is "H".
2) Hairstyle (French)? Eight letters - seventh letter is "R".
3) Expert (Spanish)? Ten letters - fifth letter is "I".
4) Praise for excellence (Greek)? Five letters - fourth letter is "O".

Kid Literature
1) Fern is a main character in what novel for children published in 1952?
2) In Goodnight Moon, published in 1947, what kind of animal is saying good night to the moon and a host of other things prior to going to sleep?
3) What is the name of the dragon in J. R. R. Tolkein's 1937 novel The Hobbit?
4) Poky Little Puppy, Saggy Baggy Elephant and Tawny Scrawny Lion were all published as part of what series?

Musical First Names
1) What singer, musician and songwriter's first two names were Robert Nesta?
2) Claude is the first name of what French composer known for his work Clair De Lune?
3) What are the first names of one time country music duo Brooks And Dunn?
4) What were the first names of the members of a folk group whose last names were Yarrow, Stookey and Travers?
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