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Random Rippling - The Coach William R. Smith Sr. IPS Basketball Classic
posted: Jan. 12, 2023

The Broad Ripple High School Alumni Association (BRHSAA) participated in the organization of the special all-day basketball tournament in honor of BRHS BB coach Bill Smith to benefit the Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) high school sports programs.
There were four games held on Tuesday, December 27, at the Broad Ripple High School gymnasium at 1115 Broad Ripple Avenue [H9 on map] - Noon (Boys) Washington vs. Tech, 2 p.m. (Girls) Shortridge vs. Tech, 4 p.m. (Boys) Shortridge vs. Attucks, and 6 p.m. (Girls) Washington vs. Attucks.

Curtis Baker, president of the BRHSAA
Curtis Baker, president of the BRHSAA
image courtesy of John S. Hague

Milt Thompson, Sports & Corporate Attorney, TV & Media Personality, Civic & Community Leader (left) and Mike Woodson, BRHS Class of 1976 and current IU Hoosiers Basketball Coach (right)
Milt Thompson, Sports & Corporate Attorney, TV & Media Personality, Civic & Community Leader (left) and Mike Woodson, BRHS Class of 1976 and current IU Hoosiers Basketball Coach (right)
image courtesy of John S. Hague

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Random Rippling - The Coach William R. Smith Sr. IPS Basketball Classic
image courtesy of John S. Hague

At the concession stand
At the concession stand
image courtesy of John S. Hague

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Random Rippling - The Coach William R. Smith Sr. IPS Basketball Classic
image courtesy of John S. Hague

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