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Broad Ripple Park Family Center - by Mario Morone
by Mario Morone
posted: Jan. 12, 2023

Ronnetta Spalding, Chief Communications Officer of Indy Parks & Recreation, said, "We are thrilled to unveil the Broad Ripple Park family center. Join us on January 19th for a press conference and center tour. The new family center will include upgraded fitness areas, an indoor walking track, two group exercise rooms, a multipurpose room with large windows to enjoy the stunning White River views, a children's play area equipped with an indoor playground and party room, group meeting space, and a health clinic operated by Community Health Network. Broad Ripple Park serves an average of 337,000 park visitors per year, and the new family center will enable park staff to provide more versatile programming for neighbors of all ages. A community open house will be held on January 21.

An artistic rendering of the Broad Ripple Family Center.
An artistic rendering of the Broad Ripple Family Center.
image courtesy of Avenue Design Team

According to Broad Ripple Village Association website,, "The Family Center Building in Broad Ripple Park is being rebuilt and construction started in July 2021. The existing building has been demolished and the Park Office moved to the Old Family Center located in the northeast corner of the main parking lot. The current completion date is expected to be December 2022, so we hope to see the new Family Center open in 2023!
The Metropolitan Development Commission passed a proposal in February 2019. This proposal authorized the Department of Metropolitan Development to negotiate a contract with BR Health Holdings, LLC on behalf of the Department of Parks and Recreation. This contract then went to the City Council for final approval." The park's swimming remains unaffected by the project.
Broad Ripple Park continues to be a cultural destination for generations of individuals and families.
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