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Random Historic Photo - Broad Ripple Park roller coaster
posted: Sept. 29, 2022

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This issue's Random Historic photo is from a neighbor of ours when I was a child. Olive Meyers lived two houses south of us on Carrollton Avenue. He was a long friend of my parents and we ended up with his photo album. I don't know if he took the photos or if Ila, his wife, did.
This one is captioned "Looking up river to B.R. Park". It from around 1925.
There is a lot going on here.
First it was taken from the bank of the White River where Weaver's Lawn and Garden was for many years, across the street from Broad Ripple High School. The roof in the picture must be that of the Green City Boat House.
Next, there is a rickety dock across the river. That would be from Dawson Lake property. I am not sure how many properties were back there in the 1920s, but my relative Bob Dawson had a house there. Today, this is Oxbow.
Across the river to the east from that dock is Broad Ripple Amusement Park. The Sunshine paddle boat is docked there. The wooden roller coaster can be seen popping up above the trees.
It is important to check your old photo albums from relatives to see what might be lurking within!

image courtesy of Ila and Olive Meyers collection

Zoom in of the Broad Ripple Amusement Park section
Zoom in of the Broad Ripple Amusement Park section
image courtesy of Ila and Olive Meyers collection

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