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Letters to the Editor - Dianne Roush Trauring
posted: Aug. 04, 2022

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

Although I've lived in Kokomo since I got married 49 years ago, I still feel the tug from my wonderful growing-up years in BR. When a new business opens, i like how you tell me what was there before, in the "olden days" of the '60's and '70's.
From this current issue, I'm glad to see the that Rainbow Bridge got a re-fresh. I enjoyed photos from the Art Fair, music in the park and the fireworks along the River. Great photos from the fireworks, btw.
Since I grew up with your sister and your parents and spent the night many times at her house and devoured your Mom's famous chocolate chip cookies, I read with interest the history of the Hague and Dawson families in BR. I assume that Dawson Lake was named in honor of your great-grandparents? And Hague Road was also named for someone in your family? Could you give me a little more history of your families in the area?
Have you done an article about Hollyhock Hill? Ben was a waiter there for awhile in HS.
How about an article about Marott Park? My sister Nancy was instrumental in saving the park and the old-growth trees from development.
Have you ever done a feature on the Indiana School for the Blind or the blind Broom Man who sold brooms all over the area on street corners? He was a bit of a celebrity and he recently passed away. He sold corn brooms at the old Standard station at 71st and College forever!!
My brother-in-law, Jim Carpenter who married my sister Nancy, began his Wild Birds Unlimited business in a tiny little store across from Flanner and Buchanan next to Weaver's Garden Center. Together he and Nancy now have about 320 franchised stores across the US and Canada. Many locals shop at his store on 82nd Street. One of his first stores was located in the old Poppin Fresh Pie store on Keystone. It's an incredible success story of entrepreneurship which might be of interest to your readers.
Geeze, my brain is on fire this morning. See what reading Random Ripplings started!!
Also, do you have another occupation besides Random Ripplings??
Anyway, thanks for keeping me connected to my roots.
Dianne Roush Trauring

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A couple of answers:
I do not have another occupation.
Hague Road is indeed named for my great-great-grandfather Samuel Thompson (Tom) Hague (1847-1923), who built the first bridge over the White River at 96th Street with boulders. His farm was where the Meijer at I-69 and 96th is today. Tom improved the road along his farm and kept it usable. That is Hague Road.
- Alan
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