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Editorial - Construction
by Alan Hague
posted: Apr. 28, 2022

Recently, the Department of Public Works (DPW) issued a statement to news media, which was repeated at the Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) meeting, concerning the traffic issues caused by the construction in the Village. The message was that the current closures and traffic blockages were not from DPW, but were by the water company. It was then stated that the water company was working on the Avenue as part of the DPW project, but it was the water company that closed the streets causing the issues and that DPW did not control how the water company handles detours or construction signage.
It is this editor's opinion that the City of Indianapolis has let down the residents of Broad Ripple. It is the responsibility of the City to properly plan the construction, taking into account other issued construction permits in the area so as not to completely maroon a section of the city.
As Broad Ripple residents and readers, you probably know the situation, but I will explain so others can understand.
Carrollton is one way south from Broad Ripple Avenue. There are many businesses only accessible from Broad Ripple Avenue, turning onto Carrollton, or from 62nd Street, turning onto the alley east of College. The alley east of College is under a long-term closure for the development of a building at 62nd and College. This only leaves the turns from Broad Ripple Avenue to Carrollton to access the area. The water main replacement eliminated any west-bound Broad Ripple Avenue turns onto Carrollton. Frequent closures of the east-bound lane of Broad Ripple Avenue then closed off the only remaining path to Carrollton.
This is not how a thoughtfully designed project is run. These early-project traffic issues were due to a City of Indianapolis project, headed and designed by DPW, using the water company to lay new mains. The City is responsible to ensure safety during these construction events by detouring and/or directing traffic so business can continue in some fashion. Drivers were often seen driving the wrong way up Carrollton Avenue and ending up with tickets. And, the City response was that these issues were caused by the water company. Letting the drivers and IMPD figure it all out through confrontations is letting us down.
The Broad Ripple Gazette hopes that the remainder of this project, which is expected to continue through early 2023, will be handled in a more professional manner. There will be many complications, all controlled by the City (through planning of City projects and issued permits to private projects), which will make that a challenge.
  • The closure of the College Avenue canal bridge
  • The closure of College south of 86th Street
  • The rolling closures of Carrollton, Guilford, Winthrop, and more
  • The upcoming Kroger redevelopment which will close Guilford
  • The upcoming Winthrop canal bridge reconstruction project
Alan Hague
p.s. On Monday, April 25th, all three routes north in Broad Ripple were closed at the same time - College, Guilford and Winthrop. This leaves Meridian Street and Keystone Avenue to get north. That shouldn't be the way we plan things in Indianapolis.
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