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Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out
posted: Apr. 14, 2022

Thanks to the Gazette's cub reporter Frog, we found out that the original Broad Ripple Avenue streetcar tracks are being removed from the center of the Avenue during the first phase of the sewer work and sidewalk widening. The project is starting at the west end, at College Avenue. As of press time, the tearing up of the rails has progressed to 800 block of Broad Ripple Avenue, just east of Carrollton [H4 on map].
The old rails and ties come out and new sewer pipe goes in. The new pipe appears to be 12 to 14 inches in diameter.
It was surprising to see that the ties under the rails had over a foot of street above them.

New sewer main
New sewer main

The old streetcar ties were down a foot or more (the notches are all that remains)
The old streetcar ties were down a foot or more (the notches are all that remains)

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out

A streetcar rail ready to be pulled out
A streetcar rail ready to be pulled out

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell

Building a sewer connector
Building a sewer connector
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell

Pulling up rails
Pulling up rails
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell

Random Rippling - Streetcar rails coming out
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell

Piles of streetcar rails
Piles of streetcar rails
image courtesy of C. "Frog" Russell

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