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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Mar. 31, 2022

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. This quiz was won by So You Think You Can Rain Dance! with 15 points. The winners of the Best Team Name Competition were I Quizzed Myself.

M is for Movies (all the answers to these questions start with letter "M")
1) What 1973 movie was the first collaboration between Martin Scorsese and Robert De Niro?
2) In what 1981 film does Faye Dunaway give an unflattering portrayal of a Hollywood legend?
3) Peter Lorre starred in what 1931 German language film about a child murderer that was directed by Fritz Lang?
4) What 1979 movie featured the first starring role for Bill Murray?

The 1960s
1) Who did Cassius Clay defeat in 1964 to become the World Heavyweight Champion?
2) Who wrote The Feminine Mystique, which was published in 1963?
3) What British fashion designer is credited with naming and introducing the mini-skirt in 1965?
4) What act was first to take the stage at 1969's Woodstock Music Festival, finishing their set with a version of the Negro spiritual Motherless Child?

Crossword Clues
1) Smog or Spork e.g. Eleven letters - the fifth letter is "M"?
2) Mild oath. Four letters - the fourth letter is "D"?
3) Current German Chancellor. Six letters - the third letter is "R"?
4) Classic Voltaire work. Seven letters - the fifth letter is "I"?

Acronyms and Abbreviations
1) What does the "K" stand for in KMart?
2) What does the acronym ZIP stand for in ZIP Code?
3) What do the letters in the name of the rock band O. A. R., whose biggest hit to date is the song Shattered (Turn The Car Around), stand for?
4) Gordon Shumway, a character from a 1980s television series, was better known by what acronym?

Rap Music
1) What was the name of the deranged fan in the single by Eminem released in 2000?
2) What group released the album Straight Outta Compton in 1988?
3) What is the name of Salt N Pepa's DJ?
4) Who had a hit with a re-working of Stevie Wonder's Pastime Paradise called Gangsta's Paradise in 1994?
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