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New BRVA Executive Director - by Mario Morone
by Mario Morone
posted: Feb. 17, 2022

Jordan Dillon is the new Broad Ripple Village Association (BRVA) Executive Director. She recently shared her vision and ideas for the vibrant Northside community.
"Broad Ripple was my home when I first moved to Indianapolis after graduating from DePauw University. I'm very familiar with the community as I have several friends that have been involved with the BRVA in various capacities and also connections to several key business owners. I've been here a little bit less than a month, but am quickly learning more about what's working well and where we have opportunities for positive impact in the Village," she explained.

Jordan Dillon
Jordan Dillon
image courtesy of Mario Morone

"A big project we're currently focused on is the Broad Ripple Avenue redesign. We want to ensure we advocate for the residents and business owners throughout the construction and serve as an additional conduit of information for the Department of Public Works. It is important to us that the project stay on time and the responsible parties take measures to reduce as much disruption as possible for the community. The redesign and the RiverWalk will greatly help make the heart of Village more aesthetically pleasing and more pedestrian friendly. Supporting the stakeholders throughout the implementation of these are two of the top priorities for both myself and the BRVA Board of Directors in 2022. Beyond that, we want to continue to grow our membership for residents and businesses who want to have a voice in the community where they live, work, and play," Ms. Dillon said.
"Additionally, we want to bolster Broad Ripple's image as cultural destination. It's not just bars and restaurants, but one of the seven defined Culture Districts of Indianapolis. We are a champion for arts in the community, like the Indianapolis Art Center. Our beautification community is working with local artists to produce more public art to avoid graffiti on small items like utility boxes and larger things like fences and walls," she added.
The BRVA website states their mission About Broad Ripple Cultural District: "The BRVA (Broad Ripple Village Association) is a not-for-profit community organization serving residents, businesses, and visitors in Broad Ripple, Indy's original cultural district. Founded in 1969, the BRVA is the oldest and largest volunteer organization actively working on initiatives that enrich the community, attract investment, and amplify public spaces to improve quality of life in Broad Ripple."
Jordan's career has naturally evolved into her current position with BRVA. "My background is pretty diverse. I've held many different roles all of which ladder up into a great slate of experiences that I can bring to this community. I've worked in marketing and events for most of my career, including most recently as the VP of Marketing for Sahm's Hospitality Group and a Senior Account Executive at The PLAID Agency whose clients range from national non-profits to local law firms. I also spent over ten years managing events in the Olympic movement - everything from regional competitions to multi-city, multi-million-dollar touring shows."

BRVA office at 818 Broad Ripple Avenue
BRVA office at 818 Broad Ripple Avenue

"I hope to do a lot of listening as I get started in this position. I want to have individual conversations with various members and stakeholders in the community and see that their needs are being served. With my background in event planning, I 'm also looking forward to making our fundraising events exciting so we can attract new participants, give them a great experience, and retain them year over year", she noted.
As Jordan Dillon and the BRVA Board guide the historic destination into a new economic world in this post-COVID era, their projects and progress will pave the way for a revived business environment for long-time residents and visitors in Broad Ripple. You can stop by and meet Jordan at the BRVA office at 818 Broad Ripple Avenue [H4 on map] during the public office hours (Tuesday 1-4 p.m. and Thursday 9 a.m. -12 p.m.) or reach out via email at (
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