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Junior League of Indianapolis to host 5K run and walk on Oct. 3, 2021
posted: Sept. 02, 2021

The Junior League of Indianapolis (JLI) will kick off a yearlong celebration of its centennial by hosting the Scarlet 5K Run/Walk on Oct. 3, 2021, at White River State Park. Runners and walkers from all over Indianapolis are expected to participate in the Scarlet Run to celebrate 100 years of JLI.
The 5K will begin at 10 a.m., followed by a 1-mile fun run/walk at 10:45 a.m. Participants can also sign up to join the virtual challenge. Click here to register.
"JLI has spent a century making a difference in Indianapolis," said JLI president Stephanie Flittner. "The Scarlet Run is the first of several events we've planned to honor JLI's past, celebrate our present and secure our future. We invite everyone to join us as we hit the ground running for our centennial celebration!"
Proceeds from the Scarlet Run will help JLI fulfill its vision of being a catalyst for lasting change in the lives of children and their families in the community. Since 2000, JLI has awarded more than $4.9 million to local organizations.
Through grants, service projects and volunteer hours, JLI members are able to make a difference in their community while also developing their own potential. Like all JLI events, the Scarlet Run is completely planned, produced and staffed by JLI volunteers.
For more information on the Scarlet Run, click here.
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