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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: May 13, 2021

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. This quiz was won by Grandpa Got Lucky At Viagra Falls with 18 points in a tie breaker over The Cupcake Warriors. The winners of the Best Name competition were Grandpa Got Lucky At Viagra Falls.

Movie Logos
1) What studio is represented by "Leo"?
2) What production company's logo features a boy fishing while sitting on a crescent moon?
3) What normally inanimate object represents Pixar?
4) A woman holding a torch represents what movie studio?

1) According to the 1982 hit by the band Tommy Tutone, what was Jenny's phone number?
2) What did Super Computer Deep Thought say was the meaning of life in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?
3) What fraction of the Earth's land mass is covered by Russia?
4) How many "Rocky" movies have there been?

Famous Buildings and their Builders
1) Who commissioned St. Basil's Cathedral, which is located in Moscow?
2) Shah Jahan had what famous building constructed?
3) What structure did Napoleon have commissioned after his victory at the Battle of Austerlitz?
4) The Episcopalian Cathedral, St. John the Divine, commissioned in 1887 by Bishop Henry Potter, is the world's largest Gothic Cathedral. Where is it located?

Crossword Clues
1) Eel catcher. Eight letters - the fifth letter is "G"?
2) Painter of "The Night Watch". Nine letters - the seventh letter is "N"?
3) Lewis Carroll poem. Eleven letters - the sixth letter is "R"?
4) Two-wheeled transport. Eight letters - the third letter is "C"?

Rock Band Personnel
1) Jello Biafra is the former lead singer with what seminal punk band?
2) Bassist Noel Redding and drummer Mitch Mitchell were two of the three members of what band?
3) Who is the lead guitarist for the band Queen?
4) Dave Grohl was the drummer for what band before becoming the front man for what other band?
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