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Letters to the Editor - from Ed Brubeck
posted: Mar. 04, 2021

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

This letter was received from reader Ed Brubeck

Street Sweeping in Broad Ripple
The parking meters in Broad Ripple were to generate funds to be shared by Broad Ripple area merchants and patrons by providing street sweeping services. This area included the heavily used bike lanes from Keystone Ave 5
This is not being done. The paths are virtually useless to bikes due to all the debris. It's s the only way bikes can travel into Broad Ripple from the east. Is anyone seeing that this gets done. Now is the time! Not July 4 the weekend.
The Kite Development project at 62 St. and Rural is another obstacle for walkers, strollers, and bikers trying to use the bike path to and from Broad Ripple. It's been that way for months on end. Can't they clean up their mess. Are we all forced into the street racing oncoming traffic because Kite Development couldn't care less about public safety.?
If the Gazette can be of any assistance helping the taxpayers in Washington Township enjoy are neighborhood offerings, that would be great!

He followed later up that Kite had done the cleaning of the path

Kite Development took care of cleaning up the path yesterday, and agreed with the potential danger this was creating for trail users. Thanks so much for anything you can do with the street sweeping. The DPW garage back by the tennis courts in Broad Ripple Park is labeled with signs calling it "Greenway Trails Maintenance and that's where the sweepers were last year.
I hope they can help out the locals with quickly making a couple of passes down the bike lanes before they are all dedicated to the downtown events in March! Thanks so much

We received this reply from the City of Indianapolis

Hi, Mr. Brubeck
Thanks for sharing your concerns. Broad Ripple and its bike lanes were swept last weekend (Feb. 26-27). Our street sweeping program suspends operation when snow is on the ground and also when temperatures are sub-freezing. Additionally, employees from our street sweeping division assist with salting and plowing roadways during winter weather callouts.
The City has a regular overnight sweeping scheduled in Broad Ripple, so I don't understand the significance of February 22.
I have left a message with Kite Development regarding your concerns with the bike path at 62nd and Rural.
Jenelle Bunton, Public Information Officer, Department of Public Works - City of Indianapolis
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