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Indy DPW Trash Collection Data For 2020 Shows Highest Tonnage On Record
posted: Mar. 04, 2021

After having to quickly adapt operations at the beginning of last spring due to the ongoing pandemic, the Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) Solid Waste division now reports its highest tonnage on record collected in a single year for 2020.
Crews collected 318,625 tons of waste city-wide among 11 solid waste districts for 2020, a nearly 11% increase from 2019. The four districts serviced by Indy DPW solid waste drivers specifically saw the collection of 129,021 tons, a nearly 10% increase from 2019. Districts serviced by vendors Republic Services and Waste Management saw similar increases.
"These numbers show the dedicated teamwork of Indy DPW employees as well as those at Republic Services and Waste Management," said Mayor Joe Hogsett. "Thanks to their commitment to go above and beyond the call of duty, Indianapolis residents continued to receive essential services amidst an unprecedented year."
These record numbers aren't surprising. During the months Marion County was under lockdown, Indy DPW reported large increases in waste due to the majority of residents spending more time at home. On average each resident placed 45 pounds of trash in their cart each week, a 9% increase from 2019.
Despite the significant increase in waste, the number of validated complaints was down 5% city-wide and 30% on Indy DPW routes.
"We're very proud of Indy DPW's solid waste team," said Indy DPW Director Dan Parker. "This year they picked up record numbers of waste, responded to a record number of service requests, and yet were able to do it more efficiently and with fewer customer issues. This was done all while dealing with the COVID-19 health crisis, and having to quickly adapt to new protocols to keep employees healthy."
Since last spring Indy DPW management began working with union leadership to implement strategies to protect the health of solid waste drivers and other DPW employees unable to work from home. Protocols implemented include staggering arrival times for employees to clock in/clock out, reverting away from procedures that require workers to congregate together in groups, restricting common spaces and work areas, and requiring face masks while at DPW facilities.

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