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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Dec. 03, 2020

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. If It Wasn't For Scissors Our Hair Would Be Longer won that week with 17 points in a tie-breaker over The Black Friars.

Movie Math
1) What is the number of Dr. Lao's Faces multiplied by the number of Eve's faces?
2) What is the number of Disney's Leagues Under The Sea divided by the number of Disney's Fantasia sequel?
3) What is the number of Days At Peking minus the numbers of Days Of The Condor?
4) What is the number of hours in a 1982 Eddie Murphy movie plus the number of hours in a 2010 James Franco movie?

Space Exploration
1) In what year did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space?
2) The Viking mission was launched in 1975 to explore what planet?
3) What was the last Apollo mission to land on the moon?
4) What was the name of the space program that put the first American, Alan Shepard, in space?

The Human Body
1) The distal, middle and proximal phalanges are bones that are found in what parts of the body?
2) What is the heaviest internal organ?
3) The pinna forms part of what area in the human body?
4) The white semi circle found at the base of fingernails and toenails is called what?

American Military Leaders
1) Who was the commander of U. S. forces at the beginning of the Korean War?
2) What was the first war that George Washington was involved in?
3) Who lead the famous charge up San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War?
4) What was the nickname of General John J. Pershing who was commander of U. S. forces during World War I?

Literary Villains
1) What villain, who appears in Charles Dickens' David Copperfield, gave his name to a rock band?
2) Who do Odysseus and his men escape from by holding on to some sheep who are running out of the villain's lair in Homer's The Odyssey?
3) Who relentlessly pursues Jean Valjean in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables?
4) Who kills Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince?
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