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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Nov. 05, 2020

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. More Smarter won that week with 20 points.

English English (Food Edition)
1) In America, this food item is called a Blood Sausage, what do the English call it?
2) The English call it a Tuck Shop - what do Americans call it?
3) What do the English call the herb cilantro?
4) What do Americans call the vegetable that the English call an aubergine?

Classical Music in Film
1) Bo Derek famously runs down a beach in slow motion in the movie "10" to what piece of classical music?
2) What music by Wagner does Colonel Kilgore have his men play as his fleet of helicopter gunships attacks a Vietcong held village in Apocalypse Now?
3) A theme from what classical work, by the composer Sergei Prokoviev, is played every time Scut Farkus appears in the movie A Christmas Story?
4) What classic science fiction film from 1968 famously used music from both Richard Strauss and Johann Strauss?

Television Action Duos
1) Pete Duel and Ben Murphy were the title characters of what western series?
2) What two actors played the main characters in "I Spy"?
3) The characters Illya Kuryakin and Napoleon Solo were played by what actors in what series?
4) What are the names of the two main characters in the series The Wild Wild West?

European History
1) The Reign of Terror was a dark period in the history of what country?
2) After the Great Fire of London in 1666 destroyed much of the city, what architect was responsible for the design of dozens of new churches, including St. Paul's Cathedral?
3) Who was the first Emperor of Rome to become a Christian?
4) During what conflict did the battle of Balaclava take place?

1) What Middle Eastern country, whose capital is Doha, has the world's highest ratio of men to women?
2) Which South American country is the world's largest producer of copper?
3) Which European island has the world's highest environmental performance rating?
4) The people of what country, located in the Southern Hemisphere, are the second largest consumers of alcohol per capita, behind Finland?
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