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Indy DPW Announces Addition To Recycling Drop-Off Locations
posted: Oct. 22, 2020

The Indianapolis Department of Public Works (Indy DPW) today announced a new community recycling drop-off location at the Pike Township Trustee's Office at 5665 Lafayette Road. The recycling box is located on the north side of the Trustee Office building and significantly improves access to community recycling for neighbors on the northwest side.
This site is 8.5 miles from the recycling drop-off location at Broad Ripple Park, the closest site to the northwest side prior to this addition. So far in 2020, Indianapolis residents have recycled 3,579.37 tons of material at community drop-off sites through September.
All materials should be loose when placed in the recycling box. Bagged recyclables cannot be processed as plastic bags can get caught in the machinery and put employees at risk of potential hazards during the sorting process. The following materials are accepted at the community drop-off recycling sites free of charge:
  • All colors of glass
  • No. 1 - No. 7 plastic containers (except Styrofoam or plastic bags)
  • Aluminum, tin, and steel beverage and food cans
  • Newspapers, broken down cardboard, paper, and magazines
Items must be dry and clean of any food waste. Hazardous waste and many electronics can be recycled at one of the City's ToxDrop locations.
Indianapolis residents are reminded that illegal dumping, or leaving trash, furniture, hazardous waste, debris, or any other non-recyclable material at these sites, is prohibited and carries fines up to $2,500. Illegal dumping threatens human health and the environment, costs resources to clean up, and threatens the future viability of a community recycling drop-off location. Leaving recyclable materials that cannot fit into the box on the pavement is also considered illegal dumping. This particular drop-off site will be monitored by surveillance cameras already located on the building thanks to a partnership with Pike Township.
Indy DPW continues to search for new recycling locations to add to the community program, especially on the northwest and east sides of Marion County. To be a candidate for a recycling site, there should be plenty of clearance for vehicles to access as well as space of approximately 80 feet long by 40 feet wide to accommodate the roll-off boxes. Property owners interested in hosting a new recycling drop-off location are encouraged to contact the Indy DPW recycling team at:
DPW's Office of Sustainability is also in a redesign process for the signage on the City's drop-off recycling boxes as a result of an Indiana Community Recycling Grant from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). Forthcoming changes to the signage include updated guidelines and increased Spanish translations.
For a map and address information of other recycling locations visit

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