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Letters From Readers - Phil Slates
posted: Sept. 24, 2020

Phil Slates sent in this memory after seeing our Random Historic Photo of the Steel Pony/Stone Mug in the last issue.
Hi Alan,
Prior to Stone Mug/etc, that location was Caesar's Pub. It was unique in that is was a bar with a package store attached. This would have been in the early '70's. During that era, it hosted a part of Mitch Daniel's (previous Governor of Indiana) bachelor party. Yes, I was a bartender there.
Phil Slates

From the BR History archives: Here is a photo from 1983 of Caesar's Pub next to Burger Chef at 65th and College.
From the BR History archives: Here is a photo from 1983 of Caesar's Pub next to Burger Chef at 65th and College.
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