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Broad Ripple Brewpub Quiz
posted: Sept. 24, 2020

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Questions from a past Brewpub Quiz. More Smarter won that week with 19 points after a tie breaker with The Black Friars.

1) How many limbs does a squid have?
2) What is the largest breed of elephant?
3) What is a baby swan called?
4) What kind of creature is a cassowary?

1) The Edgars are awards for Film, Television and Literature in what genre?
2) The Caldecott Medal is awarded every year for excellence in what field?
3) What award, given for advertising, design and communication, is named for one of the nine muses of Greek mythology?
4) What organization is behind the Golden Globe Awards?

Classic Albums of the 1970s
1) What recording artist released a triple album entitled All Things Must Pass in 1970, which was his first solo album?
2) Side two of what 1973 album opens with the track entitled Money?
3) Who recorded the 1975 album Blood on the Tracks?
4) Which two band members are featured on the cover of Fleetwood Mac's 1977 album Rumors?

Television Miniseries
1) Rich Man, Poor Man, first broadcast in 1976, and starring Nick Nolte, Peter Strauss and Ed Asner was based on a novel by what author?
2) Name either of the two actors who played Kunta Kinte in the 1977 miniseries Roots?
3) The Thorn Birds, which first aired in 1983, was set in what country?
4) What 2001 miniseries, executive produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, was based on the historical work by Stephen Ambrose?

Historic Villains
1) What 5th Century marauder was known as "The Scourge of God" to the Roman Empire?
2) In what country was the Thugee cult active?
3) In which former Soviet state was Josef Stalin born?
4) In what country was Vidkun Quisling tried for High Treason in 1945?
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