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The Wine Scene: BOTTLED SUNSHINE - by Jill A. Ditmire
posted: Feb. 27, 2020

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The abundance of cloudy days post February 2nd had me wondering if Punxsutawney Phil was pulling an April Fool's Joke rather than a Groundhog Day prediction. My wine palate needed a lift so I went hunting in my dusty, dog hair laden wine cellar for a bottle that would do just that.
I found the answer in a classic wine that is widely available : Hugel "Estate" Riesling. The Hugel and Fils winery has been producing finely crafted white wines in the Alsace region of France since the 1600's. The regal yellow label pays homage to its heritage but their wine making practices are modern. This dry riesling has alluring aromas and flavors of lemongrass, almonds, meyer lemon and a smooth mineral finish. Sipping this elegant wine reminds me of soft sunshine and a tasty way to chase away the winter grays.
image courtesy of Jill A. Ditmire

The JCC recently presented a program of poetry, spoken word and art from eleven local artists who were part of the 2019-2020 IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute's "Religion, Spirituality and the Arts" program. The artists worked with faculty for two months studying The Book of Jonah. Each then shared their own personal and very diverse interpretation of the story. The work is up thru the end of March and then goes to the Harrison Center for April First Friday.
image courtesy of Jill A. Ditmire

Don't miss the high energy, vibrant art showcased this month at SAKS on 3. Its the third floor space at SAKS Department store. 6 local contemporary artists each share their own dynamic style. SAKS on 3 is open daily during store hours. A great way to find original art for your home or office.
SAKS Department store
image courtesy of Jill A. Ditmire

The Indianapolis Art Center offers work from over 80 local and national artists in its current show, "Body Building: The Art of the Human Figure". Paintings, photography, ceramics, collage, installation all remind us that we are all vessels of beauty. Superbly curated, this show is up until April 8th and open daily during IAC hours.
Indianapolis Art Center
image courtesy of Jill A. Ditmire

Jill A. Ditmire is an Omnimedia wine specialist, AWS certified wine judge, freelance broadcast journalist and 20+ year home owner in the Warfleigh neighborhood of Broad Ripple. Send your questions and comments to Jill at
Also on INSTAGRAM @jaditmire
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