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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v16n22)
October zoning mtg
by Alan Hague
posted: Nov. 01, 2019

There were approximately 25 in attendance at the October 22nd, 2019, public meeting of the Broad Ripple Village Association's (BRVA) Land Use and Development committee at Northminster Presbyterian Church. There was one item on the agenda (in bold below) although another was added at the start of the meeting.
Neither of the projects have filed with the City of Indianapolis for zoning changes, so no votes were taken by the committee tonight.
A. 543-545 E. Westfield Blvd., Chad Thompson from Thompson Home Sales with a preliminary presentation regarding a real estate office at this location.
This proposal is to request a variance of zoning for the residence on the north end of Broadway and Westfield. This is just to the north of Heal Thyself & Co. Thompson Home Sales would move its office from 6507 Ferguson Street [C4 on map] to 543 Westfield Boulevard [I1 on map].
No structural changes are planned. The existing garage doors would be removed and windows would be installed. Signage would be added, along with some landscaping. A variance will be requested to allow for commercial use of a residence.
The committee made some suggestions and agreed that when the petition is filed with the City, the committee would likely support the request.
B. (ADDED) 62nd and College development update by Misha Rabinowitch.
This is for the project proposed for the north east corner of 62nd and College Avenue. The buildings south of Lincolnshire Apartments and west of the alley would be razed to make way for an office/apartment/retail building.
Misha handed out new project renderings and floor layout plans to the committee. This is the third time this project has been before the committee, although there has yet to be a filing with the City. For that reason, no vote was taken tonight. It is planned to have the rezoning request filed before the next committee meeting.
The changes included removing a floor from the apartment portion on the south end of the building. With the stepped back top floor, the south end will now have the feel of only having three floors. This reduced the unit count to 24 and the parking spots were reduced to 49. Another major change was the softening of the flood retaining wall along college by extending steps up to the building all along College.
This project is expected to be back before the committee at the November meeting.
Following the agenda items, Mayor's neighborhood advocate Mo McReynolds announced that she will be moving to a new job and introduced Natalie van Dongen who will be taking over on November 11.
The next public meeting of the committee is scheduled for November 26, 2019, at 6pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church.

zoning meeting

zoning meeting

rendering for 62nd and College
rendering for 62nd and College
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