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Converted from paper version of the Broad Ripple Gazette (v12n16)
Letters to the Editor - A Walk Through Broad Ripple by Ken Oguss
posted: Aug. 07, 2015

Note to our readers: Letters to the Editor are the opinions of our readers and not necessarily those of this paper.

What happened to Broad Ripple Village? When did it turn into Detroit?
It use to be a real village with shops and charm. Decades ago it could be called quaint and even clean. Now it looks like the aftermath of war. Quaint and charm, not to mention clean have moved to Main Street in Carmel and Mass Ave. downtown.
I'm a new resident of Broad Ripple and my disappointment with it grows faster than the weeds through the cracks on Westfield Boulevard. And don't even get me started on Westfield Boulevard from Broad Ripple Avenue north. It looks like Beirut. The street itself is so damaged it's barely navigable. The storefronts along there look abandoned. And that crumbling retaining wall looks like it was in an earthquake...20 years ago...and no one survived to repair it. The Hotel Broad Ripple is a shining star - my one glimmer of hope.
Oh, I've heard about the plans and the upcoming improvements and there are certainly some spots of light here and there. But ugly and run-down have been living here for so long, it's getting harder to believe.
Permanent residents, instead of renters. Condos, instead of apartments. Maybe if there were more people here with a vested interest, the neighborhood would stand a chance. Or maybe just more people will be permanently disappointed.
- Elizabeth Flynn

Response - Along Westfield/Winthrop, starting at BR Ave, the old Broad Ripple Steak house is in process of being redone under new business ownership. Recently the veterinary property was completely rebuilt as an office complex. Roger Pools (both buildings) is in the zoning process stage for razing and building new apartment buildings. The old American Legion Kennington Post is in the zoning process for a new buisness and a new look. At Howald there is construction for a new retail center and expansion of CrossFit. As for the condition of the Westfield roadbed and the crumbling bridge over the canal...that is up to DPW. -Editor
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